How To Get More Leads As The Market Shifts. Become The Best Known Not Just The Best
Home 9 Podcast 9 How To Get More Leads As The Market Shifts. Become The Best Known Not Just The Best

How To Get More Leads As The Market Shifts. Become The Best Known Not Just The Best

by | Sep 2, 2022 | Podcast

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Join Shawn and Roger as they kick off the new season of the webbuzz podcast. Where you will get the real talk around real estate marketing and business. In this episode they breakdown what is happening in the real estate market and how you can position yourself to get more leads regardless of the market shifting. Sit back and get ready to take some information into your marketing.


We are live back again with another episode of the web buzz podcast. I’m a little selfish this week. I wanted to keep the Google NA to myself, not bringing any guests. We got something fun to talk about and I wanted him all to myself. Except for those of you guys listening live, you can kinda I’ll share ’em with you, but, uh, Mr.

Gugen AOR, Mr. Roger, what’s going on? Not too much, man. Just hard at work. I, I appreciate that love though, man. Hey, we’re I’m gonna pick your brain on already. Yeah. Digitally today. And I I’ve, I’ll just be honest with everybody out there. I I’m selfish. That’s why he’s my business partner. no, we’ve been, this is actually, uh, I think today’s actually a really good day.

We’ve been, um, putting it out there. You know, we’ve been talking a lot about, uh, a 2.0, right. A 2.0, what is that? And we haven’t really given. Much about it, but, uh, guess what I’ve been working on, uh, 2.0 tasks, which, uh, you know, it brings to brings, uh, a lot of the, the topics over to, to what we’re talking about today.

Um, so that’s, that’s huge, man. My mind is fresh. I’m ready to go excited about it. I love it. I love it. And, uh, if you guys are, are new to REI toolbox new to the brand, new to what’s going on, what Roger’s talking about is we already had a pretty awesome product out there, uh, that our clients have been just destroying it.

Hint, hint, carrot. You’re not the leader anymore. Um, but I took Roger out of his comfort zone, put him in the middle of the wilderness for 30 days. He hit 30 days to think about how to make it even better. And that’s where this version 2.0 stemmed from. And I don’t know. You wanna share anything on that?

Yeah, well, I’m, I’m sure we’re gonna jump into more, but man, we haven’t really, I know we did our, our, our first, you know, coming back and, and, uh, to, to podcasting everything last week, but we haven’t really shared much about that trip, which was the, I think that just the catalyst to get things going. Um, I’ll be honest.

I think we all need it to take, uh, a step back once in a. Um, in our everyday kind of. and really think I was surprised, um, to a certain point. Um, I was hitting certain walls of creativity and when we went out there for 20 plus days and just hiked all these mountains, put ourselves in, in extreme, uh, challenges in this hike, uh, got my mind going.

There’s a lot of moments of, of, uh, just to. Quiet. Uh, not speaking to anybody, just looking at nature and, and man, I was blown away. The amount of, uh, clarity number one, just cleared my head. Um, took a deep. And then just ideas just started flowing so excited for not only this podcast, not only kind of where we’re heading with with our vision, but, uh, the next, the next couple months, man, I think people are gonna be really, really surprised and excited, I think, uh, with what we’re gonna be coming out with.

So I agree. And I think, uh, to your point, I think we’re finally settled back in enough that it might be. It might be time to schedule maybe a, a fun little webinar or something. And we just chat with everybody about that trip and what came out of it. And, and I think we’re far enough along where you can start to share a little bit more of this 2.0, but, uh, we’ve got a great episode for you guys today.

So if you’re just jumping on in the live side of things, sit down, strap in, get ready. Uh, if you’re listening to this later, one of the podcast players, YouTube, any of that stuff, I highly encourage you hit pause. Go grab something to take some notes with, cuz we’re gonna get into some stuff, but uh, you ready to kick it off?

You ready to, to disclose some, some value? Let’s do it, man. Let’s do it. Let’s let’s do it.

Ah, that thing gets me pumped up. I just love that intro of, ah, anyway, today we are talking about a concept that Roger and I have really started to embrace. You just heard, I’m talking a little bit about this whole version 2.0. But, um, it, it really stemmed because of this, this phrase. I don’t think we knew the phrase when we were on.

And your brain started to go down this route. But I think over the last couple weeks we’ve been back settled in this phrase, keeps coming up and it’s kind of morphed itself into this, but it’s all about becoming the best known real estate expert in your, your market. And I spent a ton of time yesterday.

I know you weren’t able to, to jump on our, our call with our, our Facebook community and, and some of our clients and some of the others. Uh, but I spent some time yesterday really going into the fundamentals. The, the core foundation of all of that stuff. Um, and if you guys, aren’t part of our Facebook group, hit us up, reach out, we’ll get you the link.

We’ll get you into that. We’ve, that’s a new change. We, we open that up to anybody and everybody not just our, our clients, but uh, I’m, I’m not gonna go deep into that part of it today, cuz that that’s a big series of trainings that, that I started yesterday and it’s gonna continue for a few weeks, but uh, I wanna start by, by.

Roger a answer that question for a second. When, when you hear that phrase, best known real estate expert, what comes to mind? I think what comes to mind right away is gonna be, um, it’s gonna be a brand, right? Um, to, to me, it’s like, as soon as you said that I’m looking in my head through the repository, right.

Of all the information, all of us have, what have I seen that makes me feel that. Um, so I’m looking for maybe a picture, a logo, a company, right. That comes to mind. Um, that is the first thing. I mean, there’s multiple things after that, but I think, uh, right now, when you just say real estate, I’ll make a, a, a quick strong statement.

When you said real, best known real estate, right. Expert. What comes to mind? Zillow? Just in general, right? Just because you said real estate, you didn’t say anything else. What do we see everywhere? Where’s the brand that’s out there. What’s, you know, everything. So that blue logo right. Came to mind right away.

That was the first thing that came to my mind. It’s interesting. You bring that up cuz there there’s, there’s some sayings out there in the digital scene, right? Create the Zillow effect online. I don’t know if you’ve heard it, but I’ve heard it in a lot of the, the stuff that I’ve been paying attention to create the Zillow effect.

Right? Why is Zillow so dominant online? Because. To Roger’s point folks, the best known it’s not about being the best. And I asked that question yesterday on our training and you would’ve been shocked at how many real estate investors that were on this call that said, they’d rather be the best than the best known the.

Until we started to break down what it really means to be the best known. And how does that play into becoming the best? And the light bulb moments were all over the place. So I’ve got a couple things that I want to get us started on, but anything that you want to kind of. Shed some light into first before we kind of get deep into, into this topic.

Cause we we’re talking about becoming best known because there’s no, no lie. The market’s shifting and some things are gonna change. And now’s a really good time to go all in on getting yourself known in your marketplace. Yeah, no, the only one, I, the only thing I want to add to that is just kind of, as we go through this conversation and really kind of, uh, dissecting kind of the process of what becoming the best known is all about, um, make sure that, that you’re paying attention to the different phases.

Cause a lot of us try to jump to, you know, too many phases ahead when you haven’t completed your foundational phases. Right. So that I think that’s core as we go through this. Absolutely. So I wanna start off. Kind of setting the, the, the tone here. I just said there’s no lying. The market is shifting, right?

The real estate scene, the real estate market in general is starting to shift yet. Again, we saw the shift COVID time, right? Things kind of skyrocketed up our clients, real estate investors specifically. We’re doing a lot of, uh, I don’t wanna say complaining, but they were noticing that, Hey, it’s getting tighter.

It’s getting hard. To make deals happen because it was just so easy for somebody to just slap up a property on the MLS, say that they were selling their home. And I mean, within matters of minutes, hours, maybe a day or two, they had offers flying in, but we’re seeing the shift the other way now. And I think it’s just gonna continue.

And as I was studying this, and we talked a lot about this on our, on our Trek, you know, at our, our nightly conversations over T. But I was doing some research and I kinda landed on this, this article by and the it, what caught my eye was that a, they did a really good job of titling their blog.

It caught my attention, right? Awareness . But the title says real estate housing market is shifting too many homes, not enough buyers. And this is the complete opposite. Of what it was just a year, two years ago, it was not enough homes and way too many people buying. Right. Which is why it was so easy to sell a house now as real estate investors.

Why is, why is a title like that? Catch my attention because immediately I start to think, okay, that means there’s not as many buyers out there or. Things are changing in the market causing less buyers, right? Which means as a real estate investor, I have a better chance. Now I have a better opportunity to get in front of these sellers to educate these sellers, to work directly with the, the, the seller.

And now suddenly. The cliche statements that you and I talk about all the time are, are part of the business, but they can’t be the leader of the, the, the messaging. You know, I’ll get you a fast cash offer. We can close quickly. We move quick. Now these come back to being a little bit more important because.

The market’s showing that normal buyers are struggling right. Or normal buyers just aren’t there in the numbers. So your timeline’s gonna go and I’ve got a little bit more, but I see you jot in some notes. So I know you got something you wanna share on that. Yeah, no, just kind of, really, really being in tune with what’s what’s happening in, in your market, your particular market.

I know it’s, uh, almost nationwide, uh, the shift that we’re seeing, right? So we’re, we’re kind of hitting it from a position of, of national, but a lot of you guys are in different, different niche markets that maybe that particular city or county or. State is a little different. So it’s really important to, to dive deep, know what your, your market environment, uh, looks like.

Um, because that’s, that’s, what’s gonna matter with these next steps, how your messaging is gonna come out. Um, so cuz if you have the wrong messaging, Then you you’re on the wrong side to Sean’s point. Um, by the way, Sean, uh, tee time was Sean on Trek. That , that was awesome. Oh, there it was tee time was Sean.

That’s what we called it. We even came up with our, the show on our hike. We might have to bring that up what’s that we might have to bring that show live and get Jeff involved. Yes. Yeah. we need candy, man. but so many ideas came from that, but just kind of knowing that the market environment what’s happening in your market, um, that way you can craft your message according to that environment, because the important thing and why we need to push on that, why it’s important is cuz to Sean’s point that the market shifting and if, uh, he just said it, he, he has all the data, all the information that he, from the research that he.

Stating that there are too many, too many homes, right? Too many properties, not enough buyers. Well, what if your message is on the other side? there’s too many buyers, not enough, you know, inventory. Well, you missed the bus, you you’re, you’re now marketing to the wrong, um, target audience based on market conditions.

So just be that’s really, really important to keep in mind. Yeah. So the one, like really big step that I want to, I wanna bring into this and it’ll tie to some of the points I know you wanna build off of on this episode here, but, um, Same article folks, but it goes in, I’m not gonna read a verbatim cuz it’s like three paragraphs.

I wanna summarize this, but it basically was talking about the, the once nationwide housing, uh, shortage that we were in pre COVID, suddenly C kind of like amplified the housing shortage. Money was cheap, more buyers wanted to, to do things. There wasn’t enough homes for that. It brought this, the, the, the housing market to a, a point where it, it was almost a, the writing was on the wall.

It’s gonna happen. Right. It’s gonna burst. It just can’t go any higher. And when they actually put data to that, it rose by 20.6% year over year. From March, 2021 to March, 2022. Let that sink in for a second, 12 months. It grew by 20.6%. And then here’s where the staggering piece came in. That actually was the largest increase in 30 years.

The LA it’s only been about 30 years that they’ve been keeping records like this that’s the largest growth year over year in a 30 year. Which is why a lot of savvy real estate investors were saying, Hey, it’s going to pop at some point. It just can’t keep doing this trend. Right. And here’s how quick it happened.

Same, same study. They looked at it in early July. So March to July and in July, the supply of homes versus the demand had plunged to the lowest level. Since 2012. So let me kinda hit that again and let that sink in March, 2021 to March, 2022 hits a 30 year record high in values pricing. Two months later, the shortage of homes versus the demand of buyers plunged.

To a record low since 2012.

That’s crazy. Then not quick, right. To be a drop mic drop I didn’t have it queued up, but yeah, you’re a hundred percent, right? Well, you’re paying, if you’re paying attention, you just heard that, that that should be a big, big eye opener. I mean, markets can shift, um, A drop of a hat, right? So that’s something that you just have to be aware.

You have to be absolutely in tune with what’s happening out there. So very, very important. And this article eventually kind of goes on to say that, you know, since that time we’re seeing that it actually is going to, to kind of make a bigger shift to where we might actually have more demand than, or, uh, sorry, more supply.

Than demand because it just, it got to a point where there was nothing for anybody to buy. So financially things had to change, right? It’s like a scale things had to change. And I kind of talked about this when you and I were on trail, we kind of see this plateau. I feel like we’re in the plateau right now where.

Homes are moving, but they’re just not moving as fast as they were before, but if you really study it, they’re slowing down in the time of that. It takes for, for that property to move right time on market changes, which kind of is what the economists are saying. And some of the, the, the real estate experts are saying out there that, Hey, it, it’s gonna shift a again in this, this kind of trend downwards to where there will be more supply than there is demand because people just can’t afford interest rates are.

I’m not even gonna get too deep into that, but they’re saying as high as 5.5, 5.6, 5.8% potentially we were down in the twos not too long ago. Right? So that’s a big shift that kills buyers, which means we’re, we’re gonna shift back to this more buyer favored market. And as an investor, as a real estate expert in your marketplace, that’s got multiple ways of helping a seller.

It’s gonna shift into your favor and that’s why I wanted to start with this because the data shows that it’s shifting that way. Now, the question becomes, how do you become the expert, the best known the top of mind, the Zillow of your marketplace. Thoughts on that? Yeah. That’s, uh, that’s something I think is gonna be key as we move into this new, um, kinda like playing field, right?

That all the, all the different market shifts, everything that’s happening, what people are gonna do now, now you’re your ideal client or, or not even ideal client, but the, the avatars that are out out there, the, the people that now that are looking, um, the we’ll call ’em the Googlers, right. People that are, are on Google, kind of typing things in kind of looking for inform.

Who who are those? Those are probably gonna be the sellers now. Um, cuz now they’re no longer have lines out their doors, right. Ready to purchase their property or, you know, investors ready to kind of do some kind of deal. It’s on the other side. Now they’re looking for information who can help them out right.

To offload a certain property. Um, and there’s gonna be a ton of, of situ. I mean, this is a time to really look at what, what drives you, right? Where do you see yourself right now? I’m not talking about, you know, it’s like, uh, what am I gonna become? Cuz you can, you can become an expert in certain areas. But a lot of us, a lot of the clients or people that, that listen to this podcast are already in a certain level of expertise in a, in a certain part of real estate.

Right? So what you’re looking for is really identify what that. like, who, who are you trying to help? I know it’s, it’s awesome to help everybody, but at the end of the day, um, you’re diluting your, your, your value when you do that. So you gotta, it’s okay to help everybody when the situation arises and you’re able, but it’s really important to niche down and really kind of identify who that target audience is gonna be and make sure you have enough value that you can bring to the table to offer that person a great experience.

And at the end of the day, fulfill on your promise. Absolutely. You just said something there too. That was like, uh, it stuck with me. Um, when you were talking about sellers, aren’t gonna have, you know, the line of people out the door. My mind actually immediately went to there’s less buyers put yourself in a buyer’s spot right now.

I know you’re not trying to buy another house at the moment, you know, for you, you and, and the wife and the kids, but let’s say you guys are, are you gonna buy something that is gonna need a bunch of. Or are you gonna buy something that’s kind of done and ready to move into knowing that the cost of money is higher, meaning it’s gonna, it’s gonna cost you more to get that money to then renovate that, that home and bring it up.

Are you gonna wanna deal with that headache knowing you gotta pay more? No, not in this environment. Nope. Right. But right. That’s the retail buyer. That’s the Roger with his wife and his two kids wanting to move. Right. But as an I. That plays right into my hand because less Rogers, less Seans right. Less people like us are, are trying to just buy that house because I don’t wanna deal with all the work I’m in the middle of a home renovation right now.

The only reason I’m, you know, dealing with it is cuz I actually enjoy doing it. But the average person, no, that’s not what they’re gonna do. So when you said that, you know the line out the door, there’s still gonna have a line out the door. It’s gonna be the real. Investors, the real estate experts that know how to take that property down, how to renovate it, understand cost of money and is okay with higher cost of money cuz they can turn and burn and move and still make money off of that.

Right. Correct. But that’s why it comes down to who’s the best known. Yep. Because if you’re not best known, you’re just, you’re just another. Another piece of noise yet again, on the opposite side of the spectrum this time, right? Yeah. You have to, you have to become that person or that company that, um, has that reputation as well.

Right? Reputation of actually fulfilling, again, going back to being able to deliver on your promise. It’s like, it’s great to also kind of build that brand, be out there. People recognize it, but you can also make it in a negative way. So if you’re not fulfilling on your promise, that be, that can play against.

So it’s, it’s all, it’s, it’s one of those things that you really gotta focus on where you’re at and make sure that you have your ducks in a row. In other words, and you’re able, you’re you’re ready and able, uh, to fulfill. Cause if you can do that and you do the, kind of the, the branding kind of like recommendations and kind of strategies that we’re gonna be sharing here, uh, on this podcast, you’re gonna be UNS STOPP.

Because whoever basically finds you and sees your reputation and you can deliver on that guess what’s gonna happen. The digital side will take care of itself, right? Cause if you’re doing the right things, but the word of mouth offline also takes care of, is of itself. As you build this reputation a hundred percent.

And I, I went over a bunch of offline stuff with, with our clients. I’ll share that here in a second, but you’re the Google leader for a reason. And I know you’ve got a, a list of, of stuff written down there that you want to kind of like spit fire to everybody on. How do we, I love what you just said, by the way the digital side will take care itself.

If you put the work in to make it take care of itself. Yeah. Big caveat. Right? Big caveat. If you put the work. Yeah. So what is that work? Sure. So. Let’s start kind of going, we’re gonna shift a little bit and I’ll, I’ll kind of, uh, take us in, into the digital world. right, Sean, I don’t wanna into the matrix.

Yeah, I don’t, I don’t wanna also take everybody off the mentality of the offline. This, it has an extremely important piece to this. Um, as people hear your brand. Word of mouth, what you’re doing offline yourself as well. So look at this as, as a, as a piece of the puzzle. Okay. What I’m about to share here, but it’s a very strong piece, very important piece.

And if you have your pieces together and they start coming together, um, the right way, uh, with the right tone of voice of, and, and, and the message is directed towards the right avatar, ideal client. That’s where you become the best known and essentially start dominating that market that you’re in. Okay.

So let’s kind of break this down. I wanna share with you what my recommendations are, what, what a play, a nice playbook, uh, for your company. Something that should, you should have available. Um, if I, if you have it, like, for example, if you have, um, uh, you use Gmail, for example, you have it in your G drive, right?

Um, so somewhere in, in a folder that you can share with your team, if you use another platform, that’s fine, but just have it somewhere, somewhere. That’s easy to access. Not only you, but your team as well. Um, that way everything can be consistent. So, um, first thing that should be in that folder should be the logo.

So copies of your logo. Nice crisp, clean versions of the logo. So that with the correct, um, uh, basically the, the files, the type of files that usually are re are recommended for print and digital, right? So make sure that you have, that you can get that from your designer, whoever did that, but within the logo, make sure that you look at your logo and it’s something that essentially you’re proud of, right?

It represents your brand. So you wanna have that there, it represents your brand. So if you’re happy with that, most of you guys. Um, but if you look at it, you’re like, man, I created. 10 years ago and I did it in paint and you know, something that was just whatever. Um, you know, it was one of those times where I was just trying to throw it out there.

It’s time to get it redesigned, cuz it does matter. Okay. So make sure you have a copy. I had a, I was pretty good with the, uh, with the program paint now it’s. And that’s what I’m saying. If you look at it and you’re like, man, I created this 10 years ago, 15 years and it still looks awesome. Do it go for it?

Why? Cause it’s your personality. It’s your brand. If you’re proud of it, do it. That’s what I’m talking about. But some of us will look at those logos and be like, oh man, I don’t even wanna look at it. Right. Uh, cuz that takes credibility right off, right off the top. I don’t care if somebody recommended. If they go and look you up, someone would recommended you and they go and look you up and they don’t feel comfortable with your online branding.

You’re done. They’ll go, they’ll move on. They don’t think you’re serious enough and you never even had an opportunity to talk to them. Okay. So that’s why I wanna make a, a very, very clear there. funny you say that, cuz as soon as you’re saying that I’m looking down and if you guys are watching on video, if you’re listening later, you’ll have to go to the YouTube channel and, and see this.

But do you see this postcard right here? Yep. This was on our doorstep. And I, I picked it up. I, I do that all the time. I pick up marketing pieces that come and I use it in our trainings and, and that kind of stuff. But, uh, you just said, if you look like you’ve not paid attention to this in 10 years, people don’t take you serious.

This is the front generic, cheesy picture. You know, it’s cheap white paper. The back is more writing than anything. And you notice where his, I mean, it’s this tiny little picture of him and his, his tiny little logo down here. And that was my very first thought was. This must be either a. Old school, real estate agent, trying to figure out how to get into the new world for B , somebody that really just doesn’t care and just kind of slapped something together and started throwing out Boose guards, um, on there.

But you literally just said that, and this happened two days ago, I picked this up and that was my thought as I was carrying it to my car. That’s, that’s a great example, right. That his logo should be slapped right in the front. So people can recognize who he is, right. Or. I didn’t see. It doesn’t matter. no point being the brand.

It’s not even the people behind the brand. It’s the brand. That’s what people are gonna remember make it memorable. So that’s the first thing that I’m gonna throw out there. Uh, the next thing that you really gotta be clear on is your, your brand story and positioning, right? It’s like, what, what are you doing is what exactly do you do have a clear message of what you actually do?

So people Aren. Views. Right. So a lot of us in, in the real estate space, uh, and I’m gonna keep it very general real estate professionals. We wanna offer everything again and, and I’m even going a niche of a niche, right? If you’re a real estate investor, you wanna help everybody in a distress distressed situation.

If you’re a real estate professional, you wanna. Sell by flip everything under the sun, right? well, that becomes very, very, very, um, confusing for the end user. Basically your, your ideal client, that’s trying to find an expert in the space. So that’s why you have to be very clear on what your brand story and positioning as what are you doing?

Be very clear with that. And it’s always helpful to have a tag. Some kind of tagline that your company represents. Okay. So that’s, that’s the other thing to have in that folder. Um, and then the other one, that’s very important that a lot of us leave out and I think it’s, it’s, it goes back to speak to the, to the brand story and positioning and just identity, uh, becomes your mission statement and values.

So you should, maybe if you’re a one, a a, you know, a one person show, think about it, do some research, you know, soul searching, right. Go for a hike for 23 days. do some, I’ll take you, I’ll take you back and look at what that means for you. If you have a team a lot, like, uh, Sean and I, uh, we have a. We open it up.

We have conversations with our team and we ask the questions. And funny enough, I want, I wanna kind of mention this because a lot of you guys do have teams and, uh, as you grow and you start to scale, that team becomes bigger. And you forget to ask these questions to the point where you do go back and ask these questions.

Some of your team members might not be clear on what you do. Or what you represent, what, what the culture is. So it’s very important to always have that exercise and document it, right? So that’s the mission statement, some kind of key values, right? So what, what’s your core values? A lot of people know ’em as, um, and then your, your, your target audience, right?

You can have, uh, you know, you can have your, your brand story, your tagline, you know, your mission statement, everything. Then you have to identify who your target audience is. Okay. Here. Uh, we like to use the term avatar just because it says basically it represents who you’re targeting. Right? So that avatar, who is it be very, very clear documented.

So your team and everybody involved knows who that is. Um, and then what you wanna do as well is really think about the, the tone, right? What I mean by that, like the, the, the voice that your company represents, right? If you watch our. You know, me and Sean are like, go, go, go. Like, we love that excitement, right?

You mean this one? Damn you caught me off guard. Here it is.

That’s exactly. That’s it. If you guys didn’t know, that’s a clip from, from our workout playlist, that. Took out so that’s us, right? That represents us. We love that, that high energy kinda like, uh, adventure type, uh, tone of voice. Right. And, and our clients, as they get to know us and they get involved with us.

They know that, right? It’s like, uh, Sean has a big background right now, him and his, his girlfriend, Deanna, which are awesome. They’re awesome. Canyon ears. Action. You look at our brand. It’s all about that action stuff. So have that identified to see, you know, what, what that, what that, uh, voice and tone is all about.

And then the final thing that I have here for that folder we’re talking about. Right. And we’re still on that, that little folder that kind of helps you guys a brand yourself, um, is having some. I’m gonna call it either a high level or an elevator pitch piece of content in there. Why do you want that? So, as a, as kind of including all these items that I just talked about, put together a little bit, a couple paragraphs, maybe, um, that puts everything together that really identifies kind of an elevator pitch.

If you met somebody right now and you had one. What would you say? Right. So you, you wanna kind of put that together. And the reason I say that and, and you can make it, you know, bulletize a couple paragraphs. The reason I, I, I think that’s very, very important is cuz it, it then helps your marketing team or just your team members in general, to be able to read that and speak the same.

Uh, I wanna say language, but that’s not the same brand language, right? Uh, that you are speaking that you want to represent. And that’s how they start getting in tune with how, um, the company should be represented to, to, to the public. Right. So that, that helps out a lot with your branding. The other thing that portion is very important and, uh, helpful for is anybody.

Maybe you’re in a hurry, right? And you want somebody to, to write a post. That real estate agent or, or investor Sean, if he had this folder, he could have given that information to their marketing person, that marketing company would’ve known exactly. They would’ve had the logo. They would’ve had the, the mission to everything for them to feel, really feel the brand and create something that reflects the brand.

So that is the folder right there. I’ll go ahead and stop there and get let’s start when I get hyped up and get some comments going that deserves

uh, I wanna just emphasize one point, cuz I can go forever on all these, all these points. But the one that you said was around the, kind of the, the voice, the tone, right? And you were using us as the example where high energy pumped, you know, adventurous, that kind of stuff. You really have to pay attention though and make sure that that fits the avatar.

Not just because that’s who you are. Right. Roger and I we’re high energy. We like adventure. He’s a scuba diver. I do a lot of backpacking canyon earing, that kind of stuff. Right. We’re go, go, go. I’m really big about taking action. Action. Action. We can get away with that because we attract. Those type of real estate experts that are not the hobbyist that are not trying to, you know, just dabble with a, with an investment dealer too.

They’re they’re just as high strong high energy, go, go, go, gotta make this happen. Uh, kind of mentality, right. But if you know what, we’ve got a client that comes to mind, he was on the show last week, Chris Sal, they, they deal with people that are in probably the lowest of low moments in life. Significant other family member, something like that, they just lost them.

We’re about to lose ’em house has gotta go through probate. You can’t be rah high energy. Wow. You know, go get it, pump the iron in that mentality or to that audience. So their, their brand tone needs to be a little bit more somber, a little bit more comforting. Right. Little, little more kind of love cuddle, right?

Kind of what we’re here for you mentality. So just something to, to kind of amplify that, that piece, cuz Roger was a hundred percent correct. The brand needs to have a tone, just make sure your tone matches the avatar. And that’s why I always go back to, I think the avatar is the largest. Focus point like it, it is the part that if you are not focusing on a regular basis, getting more clear on who your real avatar is, I don’t care how good you are with everything else.

It’s really hard to become best known because you don’t even know who you’re trying to be the best known for. Yeah, no, those are very, very important points. You bring up Sean, because as I was going through through, through those, uh, that folder, right. That what should be in that folder and you bring up that, uh, tone that, that voice, right?

For the brands, to your point, we’re, we’re able to do that. It fits and we roll with it. Right. And, and we share. What we’re doing and people get pumped. Right? Our, our client’s like, oh, that’s awesome. Right. I don’t know how many times I, I got it’s like, I wish I could do that. And next time you guys go, I wanna go and share more pictures.

I mean, it’s still going. It’s a, it’s still very new, only a couple weeks old. Maybe we’re we’re approaching the month that we’ve been off trail, but. We get that right to your point. Um, Chris and Sal from a Ohana legacy properties that were on, on the show last week, completely different, different avatar.

The, the situation they’re going after, they gotta be able to understand their audience. So knowing your audience is, oh, man. One of the biggest probably, I don’t know if it’s the biggest, but it has to be, has to be. Cuz if you don’t have an audience, you have nothing, right. You gotta have that. and, uh, I, I think that’s becomes extremely, extremely important as a point to make here.

Well, think of it this way. How important is it for Google to understand who your audience is? If they’re gonna serve you up in rankings? Yep. Right. Think of, think of all the technical stuff that you guys do for our clients to just get Google, to understand who they. And until you’ve got that down, it’s really hard to get Google, to rank them.

Right? Yep. Now Google is not emotional. Google is all logic. This tag, this H tag, right? That’s they’re literally just reading logic code. And if, if it’s unclear, they’re confused. Imagine putting a human in this fold where there’s not just the logic, but there’s this emotional component. And both logically and emotionally, it has to make sense that this is the right fit for me.

Logically they know real estate. They can help with the real estate stuff. They can help me sell my house. They can help take care of this burden off my, my chest. But emotionally, I don’t know if they’re serious. I don’t know if they’re legit. I don’t know if they’re a scam. Right. I don’t know if they’re, you know, the, the, the moral compass that I wanna wanna deal with.

So when, when you bring a human into this and, and I, I use that as the example, because you know, just how hard it is just to get Google, right. All logic to pay attention. Let alone an emotional component. Oh yeah. It’s uh, it’s it’s and we always kinda preach on this as well. It’s uh, they, they they’re data driven decisions, right?

Um, Google’s a bot, it’s an algorithm. , it’s a, it’s a bunch of, uh, engineers kind of making sure that they’re creating a robot, a bot that basically can gather all this information and make logic. Basically Sean goes on there and he’s clicked here and there and he’s visited these websites and he’s buying this type of product, man.

They can, they can target him. perfectly. And some of you guys, uh, I know, um, I get this, this a lot from my mom, but, um, she’ll be like, this is super weird. I’ll just look in something up and all of a sudden, you know, I got all these ads for this product or, you know, whatever, even now text messages, um, you know, she’s getting targeted with these text messages and that’s all.

But I’m just using that as an example. Cause so fresh to my mind. Right. As I explain that to her just recently, but just the target and I wanna share, uh, uh, a quick example that that kind of hopefully drives home. The, the, the point off of, uh, a really, again, it goes back to a book that we read on trail , uh, that Sean actually kind of brought to the table.

Now I can’t stop, uh, talking about it and thinking about it and applying it. Um, but it it’s a book by, uh, Patrick. If you guys had get a chance to call the next five steps, um, or your next five steps. Um, and in that book, one of the chapters cannot remember which one just came to mind right now, but it was so impactful, uh, because I’m remembering it, but he does talk about understanding and knowing your audience or, or under more understanding your audience, right.

Um, who your audience is. Uh, he talks about him going and doing a present. To a audience of about 20 to, to 30 year olds, right. Professionals, about to start sales and they’re super excited, super pumped, and he’s talking to them about, uh, retirement and how they can, you know, save money for the kids’ college funds.

And next thing he knows everybody, he lost their interest and they’re falling asleep. right. And then goes back to another presentation a couple weeks later, and he has an audience of between 45 to, you know, 55, uh, you know, mature salespeople. Things like that. And then he is talking to them about buying a big house in a, in a Corvette and all this stuff.

Right. and they, he loses them. Finally. He understands, I I’m sure he uses this in the book to make a point like we are here, but you get where I’m going with it. He was speaking to a completely different audience. It was not the one sitting in that room. Right? Correct. So you gotta think about it that way.

If you’re, if you, you gotta understand that audience understand what, what they want, their wants, their needs, their values. If you can get that far, if you can get that data like Google does for us, your money a hundred percent. So I wanna hit on a few offline ways to, to kind of help establish a brand, bring yourself kind of front of mind, top of conversation.

And I, I went deep into this with, with some trainings you guys can check out that training over on, um, our YouTube channel. If you. You can jump into our Facebook group and, and get access to some of these things and see these, or join these weekly, weekly trainings with us on Wednesdays. But I went over this a couple weeks ago and it was, I was talking about offline ways to establish a brand and some of the things that are overlooked, I feel like today COVID had a little bit of say so in this, because we got locked up and people had to get away from the whole in person crap for so long, but.

Don’t sleep on getting super involved in your, your local market. And some of the examples that I brought up was the chamber of commerce is a great. Place to start, not because you’re necessarily trying to get business from the exact people at the chamber or that are at those events. Meaning I meet Roger.

Roger’s a, I don’t know an insurance sales guy and I’m a real estate expert. I’m a real estate investor. Right. I’m not trying to get Roger to sell me his house, but I wanna build a relationship with Roger. Why? Because Roger’s also connected to a lot of other people who own. If Roger likes Sean, Roger and, and Sean have a good relationship and good conversation.

When Roger bumps into somebody as an insurance sales guy, who’s got a STR you know, a troubling real estate thing. Who’s Roger gonna think of to suggest that they call, I want ’em to think of me. Right? So getting involved at that level, not because, oh, I’m gonna go to this meeting and try to get X leads out of it.

No, I’m just going to this meeting. To build a relationship and provide value back and help and get to know people so that they get to know who I am and they get to know what my business does. We’ve gotten a ton of different opportunities because I’m super active with the chamber here and half this chamber isn’t even our target audience, but we get opportunities from it.

Why? Because we’ve become known. As if you need help on digital marketing, you get, you need to go talk to Sean and Roger, like there’s nobody else in this area that we would say, talk to just go talk to Sean and Roger. The other one that I think is highly overlooked in the real estate space. When I was pretty active with our real estate brands, all of the different real estate company, our rental company and all that stuff in Ohio, we used to pick.

A ton of opportunities, just being part of the home builders and home remodelers association, even though yes, I had a con a construction company, but house to home properties, our real estate investment arm was a member and it went every year. We had a sh a booth at the home and garden shows at the different, you.

Events and things that they did. Why? Because people come to those shows to mosey around and look, and all of a sudden now house to home properties is out there. And I can’t tell you how many times, again, going back to the relationship building side, other HBA members would say, oh, you know, house to home properties, that guy, Sean, you need to talk to them, that kind of stuff.

But. They saw us at these trade shows. They saw us at these home and garden shows. They’re seeing the logo out on our signs in front of homes. And before you know it, my business partner at that time, and I, we would be walking, we’d go into the Sher Williams paint store to pick up paint for a project. And somebody would be like, you guys are those guys with house to home properties.

Aren’t you? So don’t discount getting involved in the local events. And I told this little tip to our clients. Every group in your local market is doing a event of some sort that they need sponsorship. They need vendors, they need, you know, some form of donation of something to help them make it a better event, get involved, even if it’s just your, you know, your sponsor, couple hundred bucks to have your logo on a banner.

And I told them the story of how, you know, we, we sponsor our golf tournament for put our logos on the, the awards. The, the plaques and the, the, the winning trophies and stuff. Why? Because it’s just, it’s another way of getting some recognition and getting the brand, uh, out there. So those are some of the easy ones.

And then I know you and I just had a really good conversation this morning, offline type stuff. I dunno if you wanna share some of that. Well, I’ll let, I’ll let you share, cuz I I’ve had many conversations this morning. I don’t wanna throw out anything that, uh, it’s still top secret. So got it. Um, I look at what Roger’s wearing folks.

If you’re watching this right, he’s repping the, the re I toolbox sweatshirt or hoodie. We’ve got t-shirts we’ve got sweatshirts. I’ve got Tumblrs. I’ve got books, like little binders notebook. Uh, that’s got pads of paper and stuff in it. Right. We were talking about earlier. Because I had this idea of like, Hey, we’re, we’re in the process of redesigning a pretty cool shirt.

And I, I think it’s a really cool shirt. And I was like, we should ha have it available so that people can get this thing on our website. They could just buy this shirt. And Roger said, screw that, just get it out there. Just give it to people, you know, just give away the swag. And it made me think of last week’s episode with Chris and Sal.

A simple, offline brand building thing that I joke with Sal all the time that you could tell he’s an old medical sales, you know, guy, cuz he loves to pass out his pens. He loves to pass out his little notepads, little sticky notes. And he came on the show last week and he was like, Sean, you’re gonna, you’re gonna die.

But guess what? Converted a lead. And it was his notepad and it had nothing to do with the, the, the, um, uh, probate attorney that he gave the notepad to. But that probate attorney’s using those sticky notes for his clients and this particular client, he mailed some paperwork back to this guy, and this guy looked at the sticky pad and was like, oh, who’s the Sohan legacy properties.

And looked them up online and ended up calling them and saying, Hey, I, I was gonna go this route, but I, I think you guys might be the better choice. And they literally got a lead off of offline brand building stuff like passing out silly swag, right? Sticky notes, pens, this type of stuff. So don’t sleep on your local events and don’t sleep on getting yourself some company swag, some stuff that you could just to Roger’s point, just get it out there, get it in people’s hands, have people using, wearing, you know, carrying whatever it is.

Have them, you know, doing that. And that’s where I go back to, if you’re paying attention in your local market, there’s, there’s so many events going on where they need stuff to throw in the, you know, the check-in bag, you know, golf tournaments. They always wanna put a bunch of stuff in these bags so that it looks like there’s stuff in there.

Right. There’s plenty of opportunities that you guys can build your brand offline. But the key to remember is all the stuff that Roger just said from a digital standpoint, because they will look you up. It’s not a question of if it’s, they will, the question is what are they gonna see digitally? And you gotta marry those two.

That’s the logic and emotion coming together. Oh, man. I love that logic and the motion. Write that down, put it on a t-shirt. That was you, you marry those two and, and, and you’re in a good spot. Um, and, and I do want, I think, uh, more on that story with, uh, Chris and Sal. If I remember correctly, I have watch it, you know, uh, don’t quote me on this, but I believe the, the number, the sticky pad had a number to another real estate.

So he was giving a recommendation. He wrote in pen on, on that sticky note, another company and, and this particular person called, uh, Ohana legacy property, because it was on the sticky note. It’s like, I’ll call these guys first. And they just happened to nail the, the opportunity there they were. And not only can I use kind of harsh language there, but they were able to provide the right solution for that.

They were able to kind of get it because of their marketing, but that’s not where it ends. They could have picked up the phone and had a really bad conversation because they weren’t prepared. They didn’t have the, the right information, uh, to really deliver what they promise. Um, but these guys had their ducks in a row and they were E able to deliver those solution.

So that’s how they were able to convert it. Um, but yeah, absolutely completely vague. And I also want to kind of touch on a couple things, Sean, that you mentioned, um, about the, the, the. The merchandise, right? It’s like the merchandise with, uh, your, your logos, what you’re giving out there. Um, you’re sometimes we kinda look at our own companies or ourselves and, and, and the confident level around your companies is, is not as high as it should be.

I mean, it’s your company be excited, right. Be proud of what’s out there. That was a part of, uh, the, the, uh, the list that I gave earlier was kind of your logo, your brand voice, your, your, just your brand recognition, because you gotta look at it like a move. If you don’t look at it and you’re not, you’re not pumped about your brand and what you’re doing, you’re in the wrong business.

Right. You gotta get out there and you’re ready to offer this extremely, uh, good, valuable service. Right. And you’re ready to produce and help people. And if you don’t have that mentality, I, I, I, I don’t know what to tell you. Right. It’s really hard sometimes to, to really get someone going when you’re just sitting back.

In your chair doing nothing. And you’re expecting people to come and find you. That’s not how it. Man. I wish it was that easy. I wished yeah. Cause I mean, I can even expand on that. Uh, you mentioned something like, all right, you offer you’re real estate investor. This is basically what we work in. You’re a real estate investor, but you know, you’re helping somebody.

Uh, offload a certain property, you know, distress situation. Um, and this person wants to sell you the house, but they need somebody to help them find another house, or they need someone to move well, you better get into the innovation business really fast, cuz you just found an opportunity that that client gave you literally put it in your lap for you to either provide it for free as part of your overall service.

Or just add it as a service, like don’t worry about we. Gotcha. So next time you kind of start learning. You’re getting the data around that particular avatar. Now, you know what they’re expecting their pain points, their needs. So that’s one other thing. Be in the innovation business, don’t be scared to figure out what else can I offer?

That’s within that, that fear of my service that my client needs a hundred percent. I think that’s a, a pretty good episode for today. I don’t know about you. I know we can go forever. We say that every week. Yeah. no, we’re good. But, uh, anything you wanna finalize with here or wrap up any, any words of wisdom from the Google today?

Uh, the only thing is, uh, take your branding serious. I’m gonna, I’m gonna leave it at that because, uh, a lot of us, we start a business and we’re focused on the service, um, that we’re offering and we’re selling, you know, you’re selling five steps ahead and you gotta set that foundation of what that who’s offering that foundation.

And if you can’t set that branding foundation, This is the brand that offers this service. Then people have a hard time connecting the dots and they will go to the next person that does have a brand in the name that they can say, I’m gonna go to this particular company because I know they do X mm-hmm.

not, I’m gonna go do, you know, find this service because this company does X that’s the other way around. So take your branding serious. A hundred percent, a hundred percent. I’d actually say 110%, but it’s kind. I lost 10% somewhere in there. Not no it’s for where , it’s the cliche, you know, hundred and 10%, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

it’s the other side of our brand voice. We’re we’re very. Straight to the point. at least I am . Yes, you are. all right. Until next week. Uh, uh, as of right now, we’ve got a really good one lined up again. Next week, we’ve got a, a special guest coming on. Somebody that, uh, is very knowledgeable in the real estate world will probably continue this conversation in some way, shape or form.

Definitely stay tuned for that. If you not subscribe to the re I toolbox YouTube channel, make sure you hit subscribe on there. If you guys wanna watch these every single week, when they come out and go live. If you’re listening out there on the podcast, players, iHeart, apple, Spotify, Google, wherever you listen to your podcasts, make sure you hit the subscribe button so that you get notified when we kind of upload new ones.

But, uh, till next week, Hope you have a wonderful week, as I say, kind of all the time to everybody, I wish you the best success hears to your success, all those kind of things. But, uh, we’ll see guys really soon.


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