Developing a Content Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Investors
Home 9 Podcast 9 Developing a Content Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Investors

Developing a Content Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Investors

by | Sep 6, 2023 | Podcast

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In the world of real estate investment, success often hinges on your ability to reach the right audience with the right message. In today’s digital age, where potential buyers and renters turn to the internet for their property needs, having a robust content marketing strategy is essential. 

But if you’re new to the world of SEO and content marketing, then we’re here for you! This guide will walk you through the basics of developing a content marketing strategy tailored to real estate investing.


Content Marketing Made Easy Podcast

 What is going on, everybody? Welcome to another edition of the web buzz podcast, where we’re talking all things real about marketing. We are finally back today. We are talking about developing a content marketing strategy for your real estate business, and I cannot be more excited to have the man, the myth.

The legend, the Google nator himself back, ready to do another set of web buzz podcasts. Roger, how are you feeling? Feeling good, man. It’s been, it’s been a while, so it’s, it’s a little, it feels like we’re, we’re starting new, so I’m a little nervous. I don’t know why, but we’ll get the cobwebs out of this first one.

And then, uh, we’re starting with a really hot topic, so I’m excited for it, but yeah, ready to go. Well, maybe we just answered why your stomach was making all kinds of noise backstage before we went live. It’s a little nervousness, but, uh, but that being said, folks, let’s dive in to today’s show,

and I bet you forgot about that awesome intro. Didn’t you start out with some fire, man? So it’s good. I’ve been going, ah, anyway, it does feel good to be back. Uh, folks, this has been a. Something that Roger and I’ve been kicking the bucket around for, I don’t know, six, seven months. We keep saying, man, we got to get the web buzz back.

We got to get web buzz back. We got to get back committed to web buzz. And it finally took one of us just saying, you know what? Screw it. Put it on the calendar and let’s kind of hold ourselves, uh, to the, to the fire. And then I will say this much. It actually was, you know, our, our, a team member of ours that came up with an idea sparked a few things.

It was like, wait a minute. We really need to do this because and it kind of ties into today’s topic a little bit, right? but we need this as kind of the Kind of the piece of the puzzle that brings it all together with a lot of different Tactics so before we go too deep into all the stuff folks. We got about four different key points when it when it comes to Developing a content marketing strategy for your real estate business.

And for you as real estate experts out there that we’re going to go into, but Rogers, is there anything you want to kind of share or talk about, uh, before we get into the main points here? No, I think the only, the only thing that I would kind of point out is just, uh, as we go through these topics, I mean, this is kind of set up in a way where, where every brand, if you’re trying to kind of put a digital footprint out there, get your brand out there, generate more leads.

I mean, what we’re going to go through today is basically this foundation. So definitely pay attention and take it in order because that’s how we kind of set this up for today. Uh, if you’re taking notes, you rewatch this, like I said, just take it in order, take it one step at a time and don’t overwhelm yourself.

Don’t try to cover every topic I’ll give, or Sean and I will give a lot of different examples, but what you want to do is just take that first step, right? So don’t overwhelm yourself. Just take it one step at a time. Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more there. Um, and as we go through this, folks, I’m going to encourage you guys to, to really pay attention to each one of these four major topics because they’re, as Roger kind of alluded to, they’re almost like a framework that you can follow.

And that is something as we continue moving forward with the Webuzz podcast that Roger and I have really been focused on. What we kind of created this thing for out of the, out of the get go to begin with was more to give you guys step by steps, frameworks, these type of things that you can kind of follow suit with, build off of, and work on to ultimately help your real estate business grow.

The first thing that we have on on the list here, first kind of main point, and I love how you said that, Roger, they they go in order because they’re kind of like a building block, right? You can’t go to number three without getting number one and two done. If you do, it’s just going to be awkward and things aren’t going to want to fit right or you’re going to be a little confused on it.

And the first step in this whole process of developing your content marketing strategy is how do you, uh, let’s, let’s talk from it this way. How do they do what I’m about to say? And the first step is identifying the target audience. So let’s talk about how do we identify it? Because that’s, I hear that a lot from clients we work with non clients, different events that we’re at.

It’s like, how do I know who I’m supposed to be doing this business for? How do I know who’s the right person or right type of avatar? Yeah. So the first thing you have to kind of really identify is what business you’re in. Right? So that’s, that’s one of the things that kind of throws people off. It’s like, wait a minute, I’m, I’m in a real estate, right?

Whether you’re a real estate investor, um, a real estate agent. Now let’s just kind of stick to the topic here with real estate investors, right? That’s, we talk a lot about real estate investment work with a lot of real estate investors. Like how do you go about developing that, that first, uh, Uh, identifying the target audience.

Well, you got to, I know I talk a lot to a lot of real estate investor when I asked that question, you know, and I get a little more direct. It’s like, all right, now, you know, you’re a real estate investor. Who do you help? Where, where, where’s your expertise? Right? Uh, where’s your experience? So there’s like, well, I can help, you know, anybody.

Anybody that’s trying to sell a home. Yes, we understand that, but with time you can build that authority, right? Where you can build all that, that authority and content around there. But you have to, again, going back to what I said, when we first started, you got to take that first step. Where do you see yourself or where do you, do you have the experience?

Do you have the experience in foreclosure? Do you help people that are going through the foreclosure process? Maybe bankruptcy, maybe they’re going through a divorce and have a home that they need to offload, right? And you have a certain system. So that’s when you start really identifying number one, what is your overall category of, of, of your, your, your business, right?

In this case, real estate investing. I I’m looking for motivated sellers. Your next step is to really ask yourself within that category. Well, who am I trying to help? Where can I start? Right? Cause that’s where we’re going. I know you can help everybody, but we’re trying to build that, that developing the content marketing strategy.

And to do that, you need to identify those, those, that the meta, right? Uh, who is that, um, subcategory of the bigger category. So category would be real estate investing. Next category category would be something like foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, tired landlord, things like that. Yeah. And I think where a lot of, um, investors kind of go wrong, or they get analysis paralysis is what I’m going to call it, right?

Is, well, Roger, Sean, you guys are saying like, I get it. I’m a, I’m a real estate person. I can help anybody, right? I buy houses. I give them cash for their home, these type of things. And you want me to pick an avatar, you want me to identify who this target audience is, and I don’t want to bottleneck myself into just probate or just free, you know, pre foreclosure, just bankruptcy.

And that’s where I think the analysis paralysis kicks in target audience doesn’t necessarily need to be a singular situation. It can be we’ve got clients that they ultimately they that’s what they do. They’ve hyper focused into a very specific, you know, situation in real estate probate, for example, senior transition, right?

It might be foreclosure. It might be military, whatever the case is. That’s one way of identifying the target audience or kind of saying, Hey, this is an audience that I want to create content for. And that’s, I think the key. That you need to look at it from. It’s not necessarily you’re bottlenecking yourself.

Like that is the only people that you can do business with. It’s just, if I’m going to create content, I need to make sure the content is created to help the right audience. So who is the audience of this type of content, right? Of this piece of content that I’m going to be producing. And that could be audience could equal.

A what I used to call the buy box in real estate, right? For us in the mid 2000, you know, teens. 12, 13, 14, 15 era, we were buying very specific based on style of home slab house built after 1955, two to three bedrooms, one to one and a half to two bath, you know, bathrooms, uh, 1000 to 1500 square foot in B plus neighborhoods.

You know, we had a list of zip codes. That’s an audience because there’s a very specific type of person that lives in there. And if I wanted to produce content around that. I’m not going to produce content around, uh, you know, walkout basements. For example, they live in a slab house. They’re not going to have that, right.

It wouldn’t resignate. So I think that’s the other kind of side of this is a, it’s not pigeonholing you into a, this is the only type of business that you can do, or the only type of sellers that you’re going to be able to help be, you got to ask that question. Like I’m developing content, what type of content.

It needs to hit that target audience so that it aligns and it makes sense. And I guess kind of elaborate on that because Google’s kind of the same way, right? When we look the SEO side, Google’s looking at like, who is the avatar of this content? Because I can’t just rank it based on the mere fact of content.

I got to base it on who would actually get value out of this. Yeah. And I’m glad you’re kind of heading in that direction. Cause a lot deeper than us just kind of naming these couple categories. Again, we’re trying to keep it very low level to kind of, so you can grasp it one step at a time because. Cause Sean, you hit on a difference that I hit on the overall category of, all right, motivated, stellar.

And then I talked about, all right, how do you break that down a little bit more subcategories would be, you know, but your foreclosures and then you started talking about slab homes in certain areas. Well guys, I’m going to give you another, a couple other steps would be even the location. That is a category.

What area of, what part of the country, what city within a certain state are you trying to target? All these are questions that you have to answer because these are all subcategories of your content marketing strategy. So these are where you’re gonna get your ideas. These are the type of, uh, the type of pieces that content you’re gonna create and where all your ideas for, you know, whether it’s, you know, video or written content, whatever it might be, um, are gonna come from now.

I’ll kind of, uh, before we kind of get any deeper, I do want to kind of mention why are we even Worried about creating all this content and what’s the benefit of it from a digital footprint standpoint, right? So there’s something Uh that google’s kind of rolled out in the last couple years and they keep evolving it adding to it Um as part of the algorithm and they call it the eeat, right?

So we’ll get more in detail in other other podcasts but for this one, I just need you guys to know that that is part of the algorithm and it basically stands for your Experience, expertise, authority, and trust, right, of you, the brand, or your actual company brand. So, that is the whole reason why we’re spending all this time in talking about content marketing, because if we nail that down the right way, the right, um, the way Google wants to, wants us to basically nail down a certain category or topic, then you have a better opportunity to rank.

And if we don’t do it, if we’re too broad, essentially we’re real estate investors, and if you have a house you want to sell, we’re here to help. You’re not going to compete, but if you nail down all these subcategories and you build the topical relevance that Google is looking for, which nails down your experience, your expertise, you start building your authority because you have all that content.

And then at the end of the day, the conversions come from trust. So if you’ve nailed that whole part down, then we hit, you know, we hit the nail on the head. That’s why we’re kind of talking about this topic today. I think that deserves something, man.

Some good old gold bars right there. So building on that, right? Cause I think that that makes complete sense and hopefully you guys listening and, or watching this, it kind of starts to bring some clarity, like avatar audience. Prospect target. These all these words that we’re saying don’t have to be a singular person, just like we just talked about there.

And we kind of build on that. Now, the second piece of this right when we get into step two. We’re starting to talk a little bit more about actually building the credibility and what we say leadership through educational and informative content. And this is this is big. I know you’re gonna be able to talk quite a bit from the Google side of things, especially with helpful content and all that kind of stuff, right?

I want to, I want to talk first on credibility and leadership through educational and informative content really comes down to you being known, that’s the key word, known as the expert in your marketplace around whatever it is that you’re talking about. Simple as that. And the only way that that happens is actually by producing, and we’re going to talk step number three, one way of, of kind of building credibility and leadership, so to say, in this, the big part that I want everybody to take away from step two, before you go and elaborate on this, on how impactful this is on the digital scene is until you start to build credibility and leadership, And you do it through information, not trying to push sale, sale, sale, I’ll give you cash, I’ll give you cash, I’ll give you cash, I’ll buy your house today, I’ll buy your house today, that kind of stuff.

Until you start doing that, it’s really hard to become known as the expert. You might be, you know, you can go the other route and you might be discovered as the quick option. But does that always mean that you’re the expert or the best option on it? So kind of take that in and run with it now a little bit.

This one I think plays more into the digital aspect, the rank ability, what’s going on in the, you know, the Google, Google world right now. with helpful content and that kind of stuff. So I want to hear your thoughts. Yeah, absolutely. So this kind of, like you said, Sean, it’s a, it’s a great kind of segue into SEO and how that kind of helps your rankings, what Google is looking for.

And it always goes back to that algorithm. I know there’s hundreds of them. So those of you that are a little more tech savvy, um, you understand that Google changes the way that their search kind of algorithm that they have changes every day. But the major ones are the ones we hear about. I keep going back to the EEAT, uh, algorithm because that’s the one that affects what we’re doing for local SEO.

Uh, you guys are local investors, right? You, you do, uh, you help local people, um, trying to, you know, that, that are motivated, so trying to offload a property. Now let’s talk about how. How you build that leadership through education, how that falls into SEO. So I’m going to give you a little bit of a formula.

So hopefully I can kind of explain that. And, and, you know, in your head, you can picture what, what I’m, I mean by that. So number one, the way we build our sites, if you were to go and look for a popular keyword in your city, that’s something like, you know, cash, you know, cash buyers in San Diego, California, right?

You’re trying to, you’re a motivated seller, whatever your situation is, you’re just trying to find somebody in most cases, you’ll find. If you do that search, you’ll find a page on someone’s website talking about them being giving you money, right? You’re probably going to read through that and be like, all right, but then you’re going to click through a couple more, maybe two or three more, and they’re all going to say similar things, basically the same thing, right?

They’re going to say the same thing where it comes, it becomes different or important for you guys to build that leadership and education through information. Basically cut informational content is that person now has options. Now they looked at looked up that keyword and they found multiple people.

And in most cases, in some cases, uh, the content is very similar and maybe it is high quality or low quality, depending on what market you’re in. Right. Um, it’s good. But what that person is going to do is like, well, I want the best, right? I want to make sure that I got someone that, that I can trust, uh, that I can relate to, right.

That knows what they’re doing. Well, what are they going to do? They’re probably going to do a couple more searches. And if you did your homework, if you did your work, right. If you put in the work, you probably have content on YouTube. You probably have blogs on your website supporting. Your process, right?

You didn’t probably have a process page of how it works, how it works page. Um, multiple blogs talking about, you know, not only do we just, you know, can give you a house, but what is your situation, right? Are you going through foreclosure? Let me give you a couple pieces, a couple blog posts, right? That are talking about that.

I know the process of the foreclosure process in San Diego. Not only that, but I know how to help you, right? I know how to get you out of that situation. So compare that to my competitor. It’s a website that yes, they did a good job on content and they were able to rank well, right? But when You know, that motivated seller goes and reads that, that, that person’s website, the content, and they don’t find anything else.

All it is, is that one sales page. Then, to Sean’s point, it’s like that car salesman, right? That’s like, he’s gonna give you every detail he can to try to sell you on the spot. The other scenario that like, Sean likes to use is the dating. It’s like, going out, going out or something, asking him to marry you at the gate, right?

Hold on, man. Come on. Right? Well and and scenario number one the one that has all the content that’s you’re building that relationship and that’s what people want They want to first get to know you right? What do you know? Let me build that, you know Show me that you know that you’re an authority and then you’ll build you’ll win over my trust and then I will give you my business So that’s what that whole process and why we build I call them Uh content silos when we build them on websites, so we build the location page That sales page, right?

But along with that, we make sure that we we’re building content around that to build the one, the topical relevance that we know what we’re talking about when that motivated seller comes to us. And two, we’re building the education, right? We’re education, educating the user. And that’s what Then turns into trust and conversions.

Yeah. You started saying something there and immediately Chris Sal with Ohana legacy properties, one of our long standing clients, really good friends of ours down in the Houston market, something Sal says almost anytime he gets on a call, uh, training, he’s been at any of the live events, anything that we’ve put on, he constantly is saying this, that.

His lead flow, although if you just looked at numbers, they were just here for big thing that we’re doing with investor harvest, we were showcasing, you know, sharing numbers, sharing some of the KPIs. And he’s like, guys, if you look at our numbers, our numbers look low in comparison to some other companies out there as far as how many leads we’re working with.

But the big difference is when a lead comes to us, It’s already basically a deal because they are so well positioned in understanding how we help them, how this is going to work. You know, it’s, it’s a perfect marriage almost where. The meetings or the calls will put it almost like a formality just to make sure that any final questions are answered.

And they’re already, you know, kind of moving into analyzing the deal, making an offer, coming up with different solutions and that kind of stuff. He’s like the days of us dealing with the Hey, what do you do? Hey, how are you gonna help me? Hey, just give me a dollar amount because those tend to come from lack of trust, lack of credibility.

Uh, if I was the seller and I’m that person calling like that, it’s probably because I’m I’m questioning. Are you even legit? Right? Is this even a safe thing for me to do? So it comes from a more defensive standpoint. So when I hear build credibility and leadership, I immediately go to pre position yourself as that go to and pre position.

The, the person you’re working with in this case, the seller on the other end to feel really comfortable by the time they’re ready to actually have a conversation with you. Yeah, no, I think that that’s an excellent point that you put there. Cause you, sometimes it gets overwhelming when you’re new to the industry and you’re really trying to kind of understand what you’re supposed to do.

But in reality, it’s right in front of you because you got to put yourself back into the consumer seat, right? And when you, when you put yourself in the consumer seat, look at when you look for a digital agency, uh, for your business, for your real estate investor business, look at us. Um, we are a very specific agency that helps real estate investors and real estate professionals.

We are all over this, this particular niche. So when someone comes to us, we can speak to it. We have content out there all over the place, talking how we’ve helped these. Real estate experts in their digital marketing. So take that one step further. If that’s still kind of a little hazy on how that works Think about when you go purchase a certain car um, are you gonna you know, if you’re looking for a very specific car, you probably want to go to a A dealership that sells that type of car that has sales people that are experts On that car not something else something if you’re looking for a general or a deal then you’ll go to a generalist But if you’re looking for high quality service or product that you want a, a, uh, specialist.

And that’s what you got. That’s what we’re trying to push here. We’re trying to kind of push you guys to become specialists in a certain port portion of real estate investing. And that kind of leads into step three of this whole, whole process here, right? The power of user generated content. And if I ended it right there that we can, we can elaborate like crazy, but it enhances the authenticity and engagement.

And I know before we were, you know, going live here today, you and I were backstage and we kind of were talking about user generated content. What is that? What does it look like? And for those listening and watching to this, this right here, what Roger and I are doing is a great example of user generated content that goes back to step number two that builds credibility and thought leadership.

Because here we are doing something producing some form of content, right? That’s what it means to be user generated. We are the user. We are the person, uh, in this and we’re generating this, but we’re doing it from a manner of teaching, educating, putting out knowledge, right? Which builds the credibility and, um Leadership aspect.

So talk a little bit about this. I’ve got some ideas to, uh, easy, easy things that you guys can be doing that once you’ve nailed down step one, you know who it is that you’re talking to, and you know, kind of what type of educational and informative type of content you should be putting out there. Got some really easy ways for you to generate user based content to get out there.

So what are some of your thoughts? First, Roger? Yeah, so there’s this. This is the one that’s another one that could be kind of like a paralysis for some people because it can be overwhelming. There’s so many options. There’s hundreds. Number one. There’s hundreds of topics you can write about it. And there’s so many topics that sometimes you go, you just get, you know, so overwhelmed that you don’t even know where to start.

Right? So that’s number one. You got to be careful. That’s why you have to kind of go through the specialist mentality and start somewhere. Not that they’re, you’re always gonna create content around that one specialty, but you have to start somewhere, right? Uh, number two is the type of content that you’re produce.

So once you start producing this content could be in two, uh, a couple different formats. But let’s call, let’s look at two different categories. Uh, of types of content would be written content and, uh, video content. Right? Let’s stay there. Again, trying to kind of keep it not overwhelming. Uh, so those two are, are great because.

When you do written content, which is where most people are more comfortable, if they are going to do one or the other, um, they do the written version and they come in the form of a blog, right? Or a service page or a location page, something that’s going to live on, on your website, essentially, if you can take it that far, uh, what a lot of people don’t understand is that you can convert that one piece of content.

So you create one blog post, um, and you Let’s use a topic. You created a one blog post about the foreclosure process in San Diego, California. And then at the end, the call to action is if you’re going through this process, you need help, you can call us because we actually buy houses for cash, right? You kind of put that in there.

But that one piece of content can now be converted into a video, right? You can literally create a video that Can be converted into a video script that can then be uploaded to something like YouTube to your YouTube channel, right? So that’s another way the other thing that you can do is take that one piece of content and now you Summarize what you just said in that blog post and you can actually create what’s called a a Google business profile post So if you guys don’t know what a Google business profile is Don’t worry about it.

We’ll get into it another another podcast, but that’s another it’s a it’s a Google Uh, basically a profile that you can create for your business. That’s very powerful for local businesses and they allow you to do a miniature or mini blog posts. And what I like to do is take those. Big, long blog posts from our website and summarize those and then post them on the Google business profile.

So that’s another way to do it. Um, and then obviously all this content, whatever you’re creating, again, we’re only talking about one, but now you placed it and created different pieces of types, you can then syndicate that or share that on your social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, just to name a few are places that that one piece of content can then get pushed over that way.

Now you can see how it’s very easy. To spread basically your digital footprint very fast with just one piece of content. Yeah. And you take that, um, and it’s funny cause you said, you know, most people are going to gravitate towards the writing side. If we had to say right or video, um, I laugh because you’re a hundred percent correct.

The majority of the clients that we, we work with, we tell them do video, do blogs, do, you know, produce content. You’ve got these two main ways and they all go to, I don’t want to be on camera, you know, let me do this. Uh, meanwhile, I’m the opposite. I’d be the one, you know, Lone Ranger over here that’s like, don’t ask me to write anything.

A two time published author and don’t even ask me to write, right? Because video is, is a lot easier. So I want to take everything that Roger just said and a hundred percent, right? Blogs are needed. GBP posts are needed. Social content is needed. This is user generated content. If it’s, if it’s done from the right area and answering questions, that’s Always the thing that I keep pushing on.

It’s like, just answer the common questions that you’re going back to the avatar, the target audience is going to ask, you know, they’re going to ask some of these things. Just answer it. That’s some of the easiest content, uh, to produce. But video is a great way of showcasing it. Meaning you guys are out looking at properties all the time.

You’re out walking ugly houses. You’re out dealing with, you know, a seller situation. You’ve got title issues going on. You’re dealing with your title company. You’re going through closings. You’re lining up lending. There’s so many things that are happening on a day to day basis in a real estate business that I almost cringe anytime I hear somebody say, I don’t know what to produce content on because there is literally thousands of pieces of content floating in your face almost daily.

That if you just stopped and thought for a second, turn on the phone, right, grab the phone, hit the camera and start recording. Even if it’s just you explaining, Hey, we were just over at our title company and I’m standing outside the, you know, the front of my title company. I was just here at my title company today.

We were working on some stuff, helping a seller that’s been dealing with XYZ situation. You know, this popped up during the title search. Uh, here’s why working with a company like us makes it so much better because that seller didn’t have to deal with XYZ. Boom, you’re done, right? That’s one piece of content.

Now, is that going to get syndicated everywhere? Do you need to worry about how do I put a blog to it? And that’s, I think, the other analysis paralysis that we hear is, okay, well, Roger said I should do a blog and I should do a GBP post around and all this kind of stuff. Yes, there should be a framework, right?

This video, for example, is the tip of the spear of a pretty robust framework that we have built internally around this one topic. That doesn’t mean that every single piece of content that I produce has to have that framework. It’s okay to have random ones out there around different stuff because it just showcases it.

Um, one thing that And I would laugh if anybody actually went out and looked this up. I used, I periodically, I’ll pull this up when I’m teaching. I don’t even know if you’ve seen these, Roger. Um, if you guys go to YouTube and type in flipping in the valley, you’re going to stumble on some old flipping in the valley YouTube videos that I did with an old business partner of mine when we had house to home properties in Youngstown, Ohio.

They are the most janky, ghetto, band aid put together. Versions of HGTV, it’s us trying to, you know, be the HGTV stars, but we’re literally shooting these things with an iPad and making the, the, my contracting crew, my, my construction guys, like hold pieces of cardboard with our cue signs on it and what our lines should be.

And I mean, it’s terrible, terrible, terrible, right? I look back at these things and I laugh like crazy now when I, when I randomly pull these up, however, at that time. We started to get known in the area because of those videos and we only produced a couple of them, right? The idea was to produce a ton of them and then they just they were way too much work because we didn’t know what the Heck we were doing and didn’t have the right gear We started to get known for this people would suddenly run into us and be like I think I saw one of your Flipping something shows like you guys you guys actually on TV with that thing.

That’s how powerful Video content that was back in 2013, 2014, 2015. I mean, if I had this technology that we have today, how easy it is to produce video content, if I had that back then, and I knew what I know now, holy crap. Right. I think it’s the sleeping gem that a lot of, uh, real estate investors, real estate experts out there overlook.

They get too wrapped up in everything you’re saying, which is powerful, Roger. Don’t, don’t, I’m not discrediting any of that. They get too stuck in the analysis paralysis of, but I got to have a blog and it has to link a certain way and all the formalities, which is why I always say hire a professional that knows how to do that stuff so that we can focus on that and let you just focus on the fun stuff.

Real quick, before we move into the fourth point, anything you want to kind of. I saw you writing something down. So I know, I know the hamster was running. Uh, the only thing I want to add, well, actually it’s a couple different points that I think are important on what, why again, we’re doing this and, and why a couple of ways not to get the paralysis point.

Number one, we’re doing all this, uh, like I said, to, to feed that algorithm EAT algorithm, but also it’s, it’s to, when you look up your brand, Say you’re doing all this content. You’re doing it correctly. Um, you’re not worrying about SEO. You’re just worried about, you’re just worried about putting out quality content on questions that people are asking you, creating content around that topics that you need.

You feel people need to know that around your topic. So when someone looks up your brand, You’re filling what’s called the knowledge graph of your brand. So all this stuff starts popping up. Well, Google better understands who you are and what you do, right? So that’s kind of a big thing to understand, but giving you kind of three areas, three tips or three areas where you can kind of go in and get topic ideas if you’re struggling still is when you do a search, uh, around a keyword in your.

Particular niche in this case, we’ll call it the we buy houses in your city, right? In most cases, you’ll get a section that’s called people also ask so those are questions that google’s literally telling you, right? It’s telling you hey people that search this keyword that you just put in Are also searching these additional questions and they give you a list and as you open them up They open more and more and more now not all of them make sense for you But it’s a good idea, a good starting point.

So that’s one. The other one was the one I mentioned is, is, uh, you’re cute. Um, uh, frequently, frequently asked questions. So you guys are working with people all the time, whether they’re, you’re buying their homes or not, you’re going out there, you’re putting yourself out there, you’re, you’re visiting homes.

Well, those people that are trying to sell their homes and motivated sellers, I probably have questions for you. Well, you should answer those questions. Through content, whether it’s video or written. So that’s another way to do it. And then the final tip that I have for you on where to get the ideas are competitor analysis, right?

If you do the keyword search on Google, you’re going to get results. Well, I recommend that you go check out those guys that are ranking in the top five, see what they’re writing about, see what their, you know, their content looks like, and then go and don’t, don’t steal it, right? But you get ideas, topic ideas of what.

Google’s looking for and why they’re getting rewarded with these top rankings. Okay. So with that I also don’t want you to get so wrapped up on the SEO factors Where it’s like all all I’m doing this is for it to rank high That’s not the initial couple months or year for most people. I don’t have a Like fully understand SEO or don’t have an agency on their side doing this for them.

What I recommend is just do this, because what that’s going to turn into is you meeting someone offline, right? Maybe at an event or just random kind of get together, meet someone that’s a good fit. You have somewhere to send them. You are confident enough to send them to your website. You are confident that they will find blog posts and service pages and you know how it works, pages talking about what you do.

And you’re not nervous about, oh, are they going to You know, not like me now because they’re going to look at my crappy online presence in other words. And that’s why I, I highly recommend that not get wrapped up in the SEO portion, but first start with the branding, right? The content that really serves the topical, the topic that you’re trying to answer.

I agree. And that kind of ties in to the final step here. And this is where I kind of geek out sometimes. Numbers never really made sense. But for some reason, data and analytics when it comes to marketing. is kind of like the cheat code. In my opinion, it gives us all of the answers. And I know this is something that you and I talk about quite a bit that, you know, here at R.

A. I. Toolbox and what we do, everything is database decisions, right? Data driven decisions, data driven movements and data, utilizing data and analytics to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing. And I want to preface before we go. into this for a few minutes. Data is great, but over analyzing data or over saturating ourselves with data early on could actually be hurtful, meaning you actually have to have enough data to draw a conclusion.

We can’t just look at data today because we did something yesterday and assume that that’s the answer. It’s gonna take a little bit of time. You need to have a number of things out there and a number of different data points to base this off of so that we can make the right decision. But real quick, you know, kind of sum up on step four here.

What does this mean to you? What do you guys look like? You know, look at on more of the SEO side of the house. Yeah. So from an analytics standpoint, obviously there’s certain the Platforms that that you can use, like Google Analytics to kind of measure these things. But to Sean’s point, not to kind of go too deep on those, because at the beginning, even in the first, from a brand new campaign, when we start with somebody, um, it’s three months.

It’s when you really start getting enough data, historical data that you can analyze and actually make some data driven decisions off of. At the beginning, you, you have. Initially, when you work with an agency like us that obviously, obviously we specialize in real estate, we already know what the strategy, the beginning, but doesn’t mean we know what’s going to happen in three months.

What we know is if we apply this strategy, we know what the data should do. And if it doesn’t, we have tweaks already to it, right, that we need to make. So you got to look at the beginning on, all right, now that I’m going after an expertise, I know what I’m doing. You build the content. Then two, three months later, you read the data and see if it’s, if it’s actually, are you starting to move the needle with your rankings?

Are you getting impressions? Are you getting people to opt into forms? What’s happening? And you analyze, essentially, you’re looking and you’re analyzing, Hey, I thought people were going to opt into my. San Diego, California location page, but instead they’re, they’re opting into this foreclosure process in San Diego blog posts.

Well, I should go back to that page and see what else I can add to it. Can I add a video to better explain, basically improve the user experience? So you start optimizing the user experience. So what it means to us in the SEO portion is a couple of things is data is not. The, the, the solve all problems.

It’s a guide, right? Cause also there’s so many factors with data, meaning if I based everything off of kind of the search volume for a certain keyword, that’d be the wrong way to do it because a keyword in a certain market could be getting, you know, 500 searches per month, which is great. And another keyword in the same market could be getting 10 searches.

I think I can make more money, but I got to look at the data. But in most cases, depending on your expertise, I might want to rank you for the 10 searches, right? Cause that’s your expertise. You might be able to convert those instead of going into the big pool where everybody’s playing, that’s getting the 500 searches, right?

So there’s different ways to look at it. Again, to Sean’s point, I’m going way over what you guys should be looking at at this point. That’s why, again, when you look, work with an agency that understands your, your, your niche, or you understand it and you have an internal team, this is what you guys are looking at, right?

But at the beginning, if you’re in most cases, most people that we work with that come to us first, it’s the first three to five months. We just have to create the strategy, apply it. And then after that time, we start using the data to make decisions from there. Yeah. Um, I don’t really need to add too much more to that.

I mean, you kind of nailed it. The only thing that I would put on their, uh, data. So one of the big things that I like to look at on data when, when we’re getting enough traffic. Online, right? I love how you said that earlier, where it was like, Hey, I feel comfortable actually driving people to my website because I’m not embarrassed of it.

Or I know that it’s actually more of a tool now for me. When you get to that point and you’re utilizing your website for its purpose, right? Not just the static thing because somebody told you to have it, but actually using it as a tool, paying attention to where the traffic’s actually spending the time On the website, or what are the common pages that they’re consistently going to?

And we’ve seen it time and time again, especially in real estate, when there’s this how it works page, when there’s this about us page. We know that that’s kind of the natural progression, right? Everything that you just talked about throughout this whole episode, rankability, content, thought leadership, all this kind of stuff, is what’s kind of the magnet, right?

Content marketing is all about a magnet, pulling them in. And when they get deeper into that process, and they’re almost ready to communicate with you, that’s when we tend to see them hitting how it works about us, because they’re at that stage. They’re asking the question of, okay, if I were to call this company, what’s the next logical thing that we’re going to do if we’ve got that information in front of them?

So I love paying attention to the analytics from that sense is like what is happening right before they’re typically picking up that phone or filling out that form and where there are opportunities for us to enhance those areas to create a little bit better, like you said, user experience, but also create a little bit better conversion.

So that to Sal’s point, right? The story that I told about Sal and Chris with Ohana, by the time they’re actually reaching out, it’s not to ask a bunch of questions. It’s to say, okay, I kind of get a gist of this. I want to clarify a few things and I’m ready to talk to you guys and have you guys come out, take a look, that kind of thing.

So anything you want to end before we, uh, rad, I shouldn’t say not end anything you want to add before we wrap up today’s episode. Yeah. The one thing that. Topic piece that I want to end with is going to be due to run your own analysis of your website. Right? So a lot of people miss this part. We talk about all this great information, but then you, you miss the step to go analyze your own platform.

Right? Um, one of the things that I’ve seen or. Heard people say is like I know I have a website, but I haven’t been to it like in a year, right? They don’t they don’t they don’t know that it’s there or if it’s working The other thing is you haven’t clicked on all the pages Maybe you had someone build it and you just didn’t click on everything So, uh, the main thing that I want you to do is go find your website Look at it, click around, and what you’re looking for is the user experience, your experience, right?

Go through it as, put yourself in the consumer seat, and see how you feel. Would you do business with this, you know, person, with this business, this website, right? Um, and if the answer is no, then look at the things, add, start writing down what you wished it would have done for you. Right. And that has to start to what we call on page optimization.

Um, and user experiences, what do you wish was there? What questions do you wish it would have answered? And then the other thing for those of you that are a little more advanced, maybe you already have a website. Um, maybe you have blog posts, have these city pages. Maybe you have a good platform. You’re using something that already has this set up.

Well, your next step is to see, are you asking for the sale? Basically, is there a call to actions that are very, very clear? Like, are you asking them to call you? Uh, many times you have great content, great layout, great, uh, page kind of optimization, but where you miss is I’m going to read through it. And at the end, I’m like, yes.

This is you’re talking to me. This is perfect, but you didn’t tell me to call you or to opt into a form or it wasn’t clear, it was hidden, right? Uh, so what happens is you met, you just created a client for your competitor. Cause if I get confused, I’m going to bounce off of your website. I’m probably going to click on the next person.

And remember this content is very similar. So we’re probably going to be saying something very similar, but the call to action is very, going to be very clear. So I’ll probably end up doing business with them. So make sure that your call to actions are also very clear in a, in a physical world is you’re asking for the sale.

So go analyze your platforms, go analyze your websites and write some, uh, questions down and maybe you can comment on our video here and, uh, tell us what you found. 100%. And if you guys are looking for some help analyzing that right after you’ve done everything Roger just said, as you see floating across the bottom of the screen.

I will also link that up in the show notes of this episode. Just head over to reitoolbox. com forward slash leads. That’s reitoolbox. com forward slash leads. We’ll jump on. We’ll do a deep dive. We’ll see what you got. We’ll see what you’re thinking. And then I love, it’s one of my favorite things to do is get on those calls and kind of do a live analysis in the moment, run a couple of a few things.

And if nothing more, just build you out kind of a game plan, let you know what you need to do. there. With that being said, it’s been fun. I’m glad we, uh, I’m glad we’re back doing this. I look forward to the next set of episodes that we’ve got, uh, planned in the future coming out. But, uh, any final words before we sign off?

I just get out there and work on your marketing, start generating some fresh leads. Absolutely. Uh, we’ll see you guys next time. And as always, here’s to your success.


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